50th Reunion of Nov 1967 football victory blessed by thrilling OT win over Amherst, 31-24

Several ’68 members of the memorable team that vanquished Amherst on November 18, 1967 reunited in Williamstown to witness a perfect 50th reunion of that feat. While Williams, led by first year quarterback Bobby Maimaron (from Duxbury MA), opened up an early lead, things changed dramatically in the 4th quarter, with the score shifting from […]


November 18, 1967: Williams 14, Amherst 10

Here’s Jeffrey Brinn’s recollection, with focus on Jack Maitland (see accompanying short video) Feel free to add your own memories via the Comments section below It was seasonable weather – overcast, but dry and not particularly cold. In those days, for some reason, Williams sat on the west side of Weston Field, which was generally […]


Mini Reunion October 20-22 2017

Reconnect, Appreciate, and Celebrate was the theme for our 50th Reunion June 7-10, 2018. It could also have been the theme for our final Mini-Reunion in October 2017. 60 classmates, spouses and partners gathered to reconnect with each other, appreciate being back in the Purple Valley, and celebrate the past half-century. See the photo collection […]


Remembering Mark Jacox

Mark and his family moved from Houston to Washington, D.C., in 1996, and he and I were able to get together shortly thereafter. Aside from less hair atop his head and a new moustache, Mark looked the same as ever, and his wonderful smile and laugh were fully intact. We had lunch and reminisced about […]


Snack Bar anyone?

John Stickney ‘68, writing in the travel section of The New York Times in 2003, described the Williams College snack bar to his readership: “This breakfast or lunch standby, open to the public, has wooden-beam ceilings and a broad semicircle of tall windows. A motherly counter staff serves up comfort-food favorites like curly French fries […]


David Park

Who is on the other end of your log? If I were to return to Williams in a learning frame of mind, whom would I ask to be on my log? For me it would be David Park. I would like to tell you about the impact he had on me, first at Williams and […]


Benjamin Labaree

It was not until Winter Study in my senior year that I experienced the first stirrings of what I would later call my intellectual awakening. The scene was Ben Labaree’s home. There was a welcoming fire in the fireplace on a bitter cold January day in 1968. His son, Ben junior, would appear and re-appear, […]