We’ve rearranged the site, making it easier to get around. Read below about the new navigation tools and also check out the new site map. Need more help? Let us know.


Here are several ways to get around the site:

Main Menu

The menu items at the very top of the page offer the primary way to find things. Click any top level item (Our Class, for example) to view the corresponding page.

You can also hover your mouse over any item, and submenus will appear. Select any submenu item to be taken to the respective page. For example, under Our Class, you’ll see the following options, among which Classmates been chosen:


If you want to find something in a hurry, click the magnifying glass icon that appears at the top right of every page:

Type in your query, as you would with your favorite search engine. In this instance, the word “Amherst” has been entered:

Then click Search to see results:

On the Main Page

Many viewers will want to scroll down from the main page, following the most-recent-first sequence of articles. At the bottom of the page click the Older Posts link to continue browsing backwards in time. To read any article, click the blue Read Article box.

Site Map

We’ve been at this since 2012, so there’s a lot of content to absorb. Use the Site Map to gain an overview of where different types of information are kept, including photos and posts.


Use Category labels to find similar content

Every article (or post, as they are also called), has been assigned to at least one category. The most frequently used category is Looking back, but there are many others, including Featured which is reserved for longer, in-depth articles

Our site map has a complete list of categories in use on our site. Notice that each post lists its category type(s) at the bottom. Click on any category to view the entire collection of posts of that category.

“Breadcrumbs” can you help you move back and forth

Breadcrumbs look like this:

These indicators tell you where you are on the site in relation to related pages. Clicking on any name will take you to the corresponding page, without having to use the back or forward button on your browser.

The sidebar is another helpful search and navigation tool

Shown on the right of most pages (galleries excepted), the sidebar offers links to past content, various help sections, and connections to both official and non-official college publications.

Photo Galleries

Photos are everywhere in our site, but the main collections can be found starting with Photo Galleries on the main menu bar

Read about navigating galleries
Comments & Replies

Comments (Leave a Reply)

On any page where you see a section entitled Leave a Reply, look for the form underneath and fill out Name, Email address. Comment. If present, the box labeled Website may be ignored, the other fields are required.  Add your news and click on Post Comment.  All comments are reviewed before publication (to avoid spam) so expect a delay before your comment appears on the web site. We hope you will make good use of this feature; it’s a great way to start a conversation with your classmates  and exchange genteel rejoinders.

Other Tools

Finding a classmate

The College alumni web site maintains a passworded list of contact information for all graduates.

Show instructions for getting classmate information

Retrieving your login or password information for the College Alumni website

Show instructions for retrieving login information

Reading 1968 Class Notes online

Starting in 2013, all Class Notes (and photos) submitted to Williams are stored online, on the Alumni News website. You will need to log in to access them. Class Notes prior to 2013

Show instructions for accessing class notes on the Alumni News website

Contact us

Feel free to contact us with comments and suggestions.