Bombs away!

This was one of Tom Bell’s many “accomplishments” while at Williams. Perhaps part of his training for his stint as a Watergate attorney?

Thanks to Bill Shapiro for providing this one:

The tossing of water balloons from the Gladden House roof was made possible by Tom’s discovery of a rooftop entrance hatch in a fifth floor broom closet. Tom removed a small padlock intended to bar unauthorized access, and a group of us clambered up to enjoy the splendid view, and to lob a few water balloons in the direction of unsuspecting classmates passing below. Several trips were made to the roof in the following weeks, with Tom always finding ways to remove the ever larger replacement locks installed on the entrance hatch. (Many years later, Bob Bendick, Jeff Stiefler, Bob Groban, Randy Dygert, Jeff Brinn, Bob Stanton and I requested and were kindly granted permission from the College to return to the Gladden House roof and scatter some of Tom’s ashes on the grounds of the school he loved so well).