Editor: Thank you, Tom Pierce, for another great report.
’68 Classmates Approach Grand Horizons
No, not those grand horizons. On July 28, a hearty healthy band of ’68 brothers and sisters experienced Grand Horizons, Bess Wohl’s new play at WTF. No, not that WTF. Everyone raved about Williamstown Theatre Festival’s stunning and startling world premiere.Bill and Nancy, happily married for fifty years, have settled comfortably into their Grand Horizons independent-living condo. What could go wrong? Spoiler alert: OMG. Yes, that OMG.If you missed our fun ’68 event in Williamstown, don’t miss this sparkling gem at its next stop, Broadway’s Helen Hayes Theater. Grand Horizons will open in January 2020 with previews in December 2019…
Remember newly appointed class president Bob Heiss’s hat trick at our 50th Reunion? Bob’s horny hat pales in comparison with the Brunch/Theater/Dinner hat-trick that he and his On Beyond 50 Committee pulled off a year later. At 11 o’clock on that glorious Sunday morning, Larry Levien and Linda Zaro hosted classmates and significants for brunch at Larry’s lovely home.

50th Reunion Director Mark Robertson made a surprise cameo appearance at brunch. On July 1st, Williams promoted him to Director of Milestone Reunion Programs. The college thinks Mark will be responsible for 50th reunions and for strategic issues associated with 25th reunions. Maybe Mark thinks our 55th reunion will be a milestone, too. Or maybe our good friend is a glutton for quiche and mimosas.
We strolled or drove from Larry’s to WTF Grand Horizons, followed by an exquisite dinner at Mezze. A picture’s worth a thousand traditional refreshments…

Will this become an annual ’68 event? WTF! Stay well tuned to find out.