Greatest Hits: Stephen Sondheim’s Williams mentor

Robert BarrowOur website can have a wide reach. Sometimes we get an an avalanche of hits from around the world.

When the legendary Stephen Sondheim ’50 died, the New York Times obituary referenced Sondheim’s mentor Robert Barrow, Professor of Music at Williams.

Readers wanted more information about Barrow and they first found it on our website, by droves.

Bob Chamber’s tribute to Professor Barrow remains one of most popular articles. Even several years later, an Internet search for Professor Barrow brings up his tribute in first place.

Professor Barrow was for many years the Head of the Williams Music Department, the director of the Williams Choral Society, an accomplished composer, and a gifted teacher.

Classmate Bob Chambers majored in music at Williams, singing both in the Choral Society and the Ephlats. In 2018 he penned tribute below, which we are proud to reproduce. In 2021 he added  a separate anecdote about Barrow’s influence on Stephen Sondheim.

(please note that Bob’s tribute appears together with a separate remembrance written by Bob Cricenti.)

Robert Barrow was the finest professor I have ever had. His lessons in harmony and music theory were superb, surpassing those I subsequently received in graduate school. He once said in one of his harmony classes, “Take this down, gentlemen. It’s pure gold. You won’t find it published anywhere else.”

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