Maine Regional Gathering August 2015

Cathy and skipper Tom Nicholson, and Liz Falade and Pat O’Grady aboard the Larkspur, the Nicholson’s gathering point for the Class of ’68 Maine regional gathering

Punctuated by meals from country cooking near Waterville to a lobster feast and Sunday brunch in Harpswell, classmates and spouses toured the new Colby College Museum of Art on August 1, and set sail with skipper Tom Nicholson for six adventurous hours on August 2.

Here’s how Bob Heiss painted Saturday’s education: “After a great lunch at Riverside Farm Restaurant in Oakland, we were treated to our own behind-the-scenes docent tour of the substantial modern art collection at the Colby Museum.”

Here’s how Charlie Potts navigated Sunday’s recreation: “The day was perfect – one of those great State of Maine summer days whose memories make the winter days endurable as we cruised Casco Bay aboard Captain Nicholson’s beautiful sloop Larkspur.”